Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Treatment in Dublin.
Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety) is a term now being used to define a range of common symptoms. The symptoms of an underlying Social Phobia include blushing, excessive sweating, shyness, discomfort in social situations, fear of public speaking, fear of meeting people, the inability to communicate well in work or in private situations.
Very often, once sparked, the symptoms can gradually become worse, or begin to affect you in more and more situations. This can become very distressing, frustrating and even debilitating.
I offer both face to face and online therapy sessions for Social Anxiety.
Successfully Treating Social Anxiety With Hypnotherapy
The reason these problems are grouped together into "Social Phobia" now, is that they are all based on the same underlying feeling, a fear of being judged by others or a fear of others' opinions of us. Social Anxiety becomes an uncomfortable feeling of being inadequate, or afraid of looking foolish, stupid, a fraud or a "phoney". It is any fear of making a show of yourself, being shown up, exposed or embarrassed. It is often a feeling that would be valid if you had something to hide, like a dark past, a guilty secret or some hidden skeleton in your closet. But usually you cannot think of anything that would justify these feelings of anxiety.
Hypnotherapy is the most successful and quickest way known of releasing the cause of these feelings and thus permanently resolving all of the associated symptoms. (And most Social Phobics have more than one of the uncomfortable symptoms). The root cause of the symptoms is always some bottled up feeling or thought which is breaking the surface only in certain situations, making you very uncomfortable.
This Hypnotherapy treatment typically takes a number of weeks to complete, but results in a permanent release from all of your discomfort and anxiety. You also notice a general feeling of being more relaxed and a boost in self-confidence and positivity.
Call me now for a chat or even to book a free initial consultation to find out more about this successful therapy. I am confident that I can resolve your problem quickly.
If you are suffering from any kind of social anxiety, be assured that if you contact me I will be patient understanding and non-judgemental. I have helped many people to be free of this and be confident and relaxed in any situation.
+353 87 1227361