Quit Smoking in Dublin
If you live in Dublin and you want to stop smoking, then one session of Hypnosis with me is the most effective, quickest and easiest way to do it.
If you are outside of Dublin I also offer online Hypnotherapy sessions.
Once you really want to quit smoking, Hypnosis has been measured to have an over 80% success rate, (comparing very favourably to most other methods). With my particular Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy technique, 95% of my clients find the change to becoming a non-smoker pleasant, unbelievably easy and immediate. My clients actually enjoy the session.
The Benefits of Quitting Smoking with Me.
With Hypnosis, none of the expected side effects of quitting smoking are experienced. There are no withdrawal symptoms, or cravings, no anxiety, bad humour or weight gain. Just a great feeling of health and well-being after your Hypnotherapy session, plus the extra money in your pocket from becoming a non-smoker.
Hypnosis is probably the most economic way of giving up smoking too. The smoking habit is kicked in one session and in a very short time the Hypnotherapy treatment has paid for itself.
In a little over an hour you will be healthier, happier, free, proud of yourself, breathing better. After you quit smoking, you are tasting and smelling food better and enjoying it more. As your health improves, so does your appearance and you definitely smell better!
So why wait? It's easy, it's quick, it's enjoyable, it can even be fun!
Pick up the phone and call me now.
If you are interested in quitting smoking, get in touch now for a chat.
+353 87 1227361