Treatment for Compulsive Behaviours and Addictions in Dublin.
Compulsive behaviours are often confused with common addictions.
Many so called addictions are what we call compulsive behaviours or compulsions. This could be being a workaholic, gambler, exercise junkie, promiscuous, overeating, overindulging in anything to the point where it is bad for you or your life, stealing, spending... or something nobody else is aware of like counting, hair-pulling, or superstitions...the list goes on. But all can be resolved using Hypnotherapy.
If there is anything going on in your life that you feel is driven by something inside of you but outside of your control, it is probably a problem compulsive behaviour. This is being driven by your subconscious mind which can be accessed using Hypnosis.
A compulsive behaviour is something that you feel a compulsion to do, even when you don't want to do it. An addiction is something that it seems you cannot resist.
It is an inner drive and that is what makes it so hard for a person to overcome on their own without outside help such as Hypnotherapy.
I offer both face to face and online Hypnotherapy sessions.
Treating Addictions and Compulsive Behaviours.
Many with a compulsive behaviour will try to rationalise it, (i.e. give good reasons or explanations for their behaviour). But the truth and the facts are that most compulsive behaviours are dysfunctional, or bad for us, our lives or the people around us. This is why they make no sense.
They can cause MORE problems and ruin more lives than many addictions. Because your health doesn't usually deteriorate and you do not become weaker, pass out or die, you are actually likely to spend more time acting out your compulsion and causing more damage to more people around you. And you also get yourself into more and more trouble, feeling more and more out of control.
The compulsive drive is very strong and many people do not believe how much it can take over a life, how much your view of reality can be distorted and how many bad decisions you can end up making.
What makes it so hard to deal with alone is that the real cause is buried deep in your mind. There is something pushing harder than logic, a bad feeling or a desire for a good feeling. And feelings always win against logic.
Using Hypnotherapy, I can help you to find the cause of that bad feeling, or that urge to feel more excitement. When you find the cause, you will be easily able to deal with it and when you've dealt with it, the drive dissolves!
My job as a Hypnotherapist is to be someone that you can talk to, without fear of judgement or criticism. Because, usually, people with compulsions feel bad enough about their history and are ashamed to tell the full story to friends, partners or family. You need a therapist who understands the problem and you, a therapist who is familiar with helping people out of that problem and back to having a normal life.
You might find it hard to believe right now that this problem can be taken from you permanently using Hypnotherapy. But if you want more information on this successful treatment please call me for a chat.
Or, just call, make an appointment and get started on changing your life straight away.
If you are having problems with addiction or unhealthy compulsive behaviours, give me a call and we can have a chat about how I can help you.
+353 87 1227361